Gay football stars are too scared to come out

There are at least two gay Premiership football stars that are gay, but are too afraid to come out. At least that’s what Stonewall FC, the leading gay football team claim.

Andrew Walmsley, the chairman of Stonewall FC, said the gay stars were staying quiet about their sexuality due to a deal of abuse from fans and fellow players.

Mr Walmsley, in an interview in today’s Sun said, “Stonewall players have known high profile players, not actually had a relationship with them, but known they are gay. They have to stay low key. It’s not even an option to come out.”

The comments come as the Football Association launch a campaign against homophobia in the ‘beautiful game’. They held a summit on the issue yesterday.

Former Nottingham Forest striker Justin Fashanu was Britain’s first openly gay Premiership player. Following cruel homophobic abuse from the terraces, he committed suicide in 1998.

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