Ian McKellen ranked most influential gay man

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Gay acting legend Sir Ian McKellen has topped the annual Pink List of influential gay and lesbian people in Britain.

The highly acclaimed thespian, star of Lord of the Rings, and the Da Vinci Code, who was an integral part of last weekend’s EuroPride rally as its patron and organiser of its finale, came first, ahead of signer Sir Elton John in second place.

The list was compiled by the Independent on Sunday to mark the weekend’s festivities, the newspaper said: “There can be few actors who manage to produce such extraordinary variety and quality while connecting with so many people.”

It also included ex Cabinet minister Peter Mandelson, Little Britain comedian Matt Lucas and new entrant, Times Assistant Editor, Andrew Pierce.

Sir Ian addressed the EuroPride rally last weekend and told the crowd in Trafalgar Square: “Apparently we cannot call ourselves gay anymore because it means rubbish in the street, why don’t we find a new word, what about gorgeous?”

Andrew Pierce Guest Columnist for The PinkNews and Assistant Editor of The Times, told PinkNews.co.uk: “I’m delighted I was number 49 and not number 69.

“It was a surprise to be included at all and an even bigger surprise to be ahead of an ex lover.”

“It’s a sign of change when 4 of the top ten are knights of the realm.”

The full list of names are,

01 Sir Ian McKellen, Actor

02 Sir Elton John, Musician

03 Gary Frisch and Henry Badenhorst,gaydar.co.uk

04 Sir Cameron Mackintosh, Impresario

05 Peter Mandelson, EU Trade Commissioner

06 Sir Michael Bishop, Chairman, BMI

07 John Galliano, Fashion Designer Couturier

08 Alan Bennett, Playwright Author

09 Matt Lucas, Comedian

10 Alexander McQueen, Fashion Designer

11 Peter Ackroyd, Biographer, Novelist Psychogeographer

12 Nicholas Hytner, Artistic Director, National Theatre

13 Howell James, Permanent Secretary

14 Dawn Airey, Managing Director, Sky Networks

15 Charles Allen, Chief Executive of ITV

16 Alan Hollinghurst, Author

17 Sebastian Scott, CEO and Co-Founder Of Princess Productions

18 Russell T Davies, Screenwriter

19 Remy Blumenfeld, Television Producer

20 Janet Paraskeva, Chief Executive of The Law Society

21 Michael Grandage, Theatre Director, Donmar

22 David Starkey, Historian Broadcaster

23 Stephen Fry, Television Host, Actor, Author

24 Ali Smith, Writer

25 George Michael, Musician

26 Spencer Livermore, Political Adviser

27 Nicholas Boles, Political Adviser

28 Simon Callow, Actor Author

29 David Hockney, Artist

30 Simon Russell, Beale Actor

31 Ashley Steel, Director, KPMG

32 Paul O’Grady, Television Host

33 Philip Treacy, Milliner

34 Deborah Warner, Theatre Director

35 Gregory Doran, Author Associate Director at the RSC

36 Graham Norton, Television Host

37 Tyler Brule, Chairman Creative Director of Wink

38 Carol Ann Duffy, Poet Playwright

39 Julian Clary, Television Host

40 Matthew Bourne, Choreographer

41 Sarah Waters, Novelist

42 Wolfgang Tillmans, Artist

43 Scott Mills, DJ

44 Howard Hodgkin, Artist

45 James Clark, Ambassador

46 Jeanette Winterson, Novelist

47 Ben Daniels, Actor

48 Sir Adrian Fulford, Judge

49 Andrew Pierce, Journalist

50 Nigel Coates, Architect

51 Peter Tatchell, Campaigner With Outrage!

52 Ben Bradshaw, Labour MP

53 Angela Eagle, Labour MP

54 Neil Bartlett, Theatre Director and Novelist

55 Craig Jones, Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander

56 Phyllida Lloyd, Theatre Director

57 Stephen Whitehead, Group Corporate Affairs Director, Barclays

58 Matthew Williamson, Fashion Designer

59 Patrick Cox, Shoe Designer

60 Ben Summerskill, Rights Campaigner

61 Chris Smith, Chair, London Cultural Consortium

62 Brian Paddick, Policeman, Deputy Assistant Commissioner

63 Mark Feehily, Boyband Member

64 Sean Mathias, Theatre and Film Director

65 Neil Tennant, Musician

66 Iain Renwick, CEO, Liberty

67 Johann Hari, Columnist

68 Nick Partridge, Chief Executive, Terrence Higgins Trust

69 Fiona Shaw, Actress

70 Jonathan Harvey, Writer

71 Rupert Everett, Actor Novelist

72 Clive Barker, Horror Novelist

73 Matthew Parris, Political Commentator, Author

74 Dr Pepe, Catalan Psychiatrist

75 Ivan Massow, Entrepreneur

76 Margot James, Entrepreneur and Political Candidate

77 Lord Waheed Alli, Television Producer

78 Boy George, Musician DJ

79 Michael Clark, Dancer Turned Choreographer

80 Eileen Gallagher, CEO, Shed Productions

81 Angela Mason, Director Of The Women Equality Unit

82 Philip Hensher, Author, Critic

83 Andrew Cooke, Film Video Examiner, BBFC

84 Martin Raymond and Chris Sanderson, Trend Forecasters

85 Sandi Toksvig, Broadcaster and Writer

86 Chris Bryant, MP

87 Sir Antony Sher, Actor, Author Playwright

88 Spencer Fox, Managing Director, Axis

89 Anya Gallaccio, Artist

90 Saffron Burrows, Actress

91 Harry Rich Deputy, Chief Executive, Design Council

92 Maureen Chadwick, Scriptwriter

93 Miriam Margolyes, Actress

94 Maggi Hambling, Artist

95 Andrew Hayden-Smith, TV Presenter

96 Peter Gill, Playwright

97 Gary Stolkin, Headhunter

98 Steve Parkinson, National Brand Director, Emap Radio

99 Barnaby Dawe, Managing Director, Heart FM

100 Peter Cross, Managing Partner, Yellow Door

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