Ugandan “gay list” condemned

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Gay groups in Uganda have spoken out against a local tabloid which printed a list of alleged homosexuals in the country.

The list of names printed in the Red Pepper tabloid newspaper is likely to create problems in the East African country where gay sexual activity is illegal and subject to life imprisonment.

Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) called for Ugandan citizens to stand up for human rights and protect minorities, a statement said: “Our brothers whose names were published in the Red Pepper tabloid are currently under-going discomforts and are living under unbelievable fear of being arrested, ostracized by their families or sacked from their jobs”.

There are no anti discrimination laws protecting gay people in Uganda and Yoweri Museveni, the country’s President, recently banned same sex marriage in the Constitution.

Earlier this year two newspaper editors in Cameroon were jailed after printing a list of allegedly gay public figures.

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