ANCYL distances itself from Zuma

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The Africa National Council Youth League (ANCYL) has distanced itself from Jacob Zuma’s homophobic comments made last Sunday at the Heritage Day celebrations in KwaDukza.

The ANCYL has said the statement from Zuma represented his personal view and not that of the Africa National Council.,uk reported yesterday that ANC deputy president Jacob Zuma had called gay marriage was a ”disgrace to the Nation and to God”.

Youth League President Fikile Mbalula said Zuma was speaking for himself when he said same-sex marriage should not be tolerated in any normal society.

Mr Mbalula said Zuma’s homophobic stance would not alter ANC’s inclusive nature, saying the ANCYL stand by the ANC position of non-sexism, non-discrimination and equality.

“Gay rights are human rights and that is what makes our constitution the most progressive in the world,” Mbalula told the Cape Times.

“Policies of the ANC are not made by individuals, they are made by the organisation and no individual can change ANC positions” said Mbalula.

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