Gay star ponders parenting

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Gay actor John Barrowman is contemplating fatherhood.

The Doctor Who star who is set to appear in a spinoff called Torchwood later this month, says he is discussing parenthood with long term boyfriend Scott Gill.

The couple are having a civil partnership at Christmas after 16 years together, The Daily Mirror reports.

Barrowman said there is no reason why gay couples should not have children, “I say p**s off to people who say gay men and women shouldn’t have children.

“They have a lot to offer. It doesn’t matter if it’s two men or two women. If it’s a loving household then it should be allowed.

“We are talking about whether we have our own children or do we adopt.

“We’ve thought about adopting an older child, maybe a pre-teen. There are so many kids out there who need a good home.”

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