Euro gays launch “a homepage for the freaks”

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LGBT young people from four EU countries have unveiled a new internet platform to deal with homophobia.

The page is a joint project of the organisations RFSL Ungdom from Sweden, the Lithuanian Gay League, the Kampania Przeciw Homofobii from Poland and the youth network Lambda Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. from Germany.

The four groups present their organisation and their work on the homepage alongside an insight in the work against homophobia in different countries.

“It feels as if being a lesbian were something abnormal,” said Lena, a 24-year-old from Berlin.

“We are freaks, there to be stared at. There’s constant whispering and disapproving glances.

“Of course I then get the feeling that I can’t, or am not allowed, to be myself.”

The magazine part of the homepage is where contributors can write news, a blog, report or something else.

“Offending jokes, prejudices and violence are facts, that homo- and bisexuals as well as transpersons can face everyday,” reads the opening post on the site.

“The International Day Against Homophobia points out this worldwide problem and demands a change.

“On deal young people from Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden with the day and the theme – the other 364 days a year.”

They want to hear about how homophobia affect young LGBT people in everyday life and how they deal with the problem.

Click here to view the site.

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