Students and graduates target for new gay careers magazine

PinkNews logo with white background and rainbow corners

A career advice magazine for LGBT students and graduates called Pink’s is being launched in the UK on June 19.

Pink’s is supported by a number of major organisations including the NUS and Stonewall. The first edition will feature a foreword by Stonewall chief executive Ben Summerskill.

The magazine is co-written by students and will provide inspirational and impartial careers advice to the LGBT student and graduate community.

Pink’s is produced by Arberry Pink, the diversity careers specialist behind leading titles such as KAL, Number Ten and The Arberry Profile.

Prospective employers and training scheme providers will be able to use Pink’s to directly reach and communicate with students from this under-represented talent pool.

The first edition will feature articles on how to get into investment banking, law, and the retail industry to name but a few.

Major employers and training scheme providers who have already advertised include Barclays Capital, Simmons and Simmons and TeachFirst.

Pink’s will be a bi-annual magazine, with 10,000 copies printed for the launch edition and 20,000 digital copies sent by e-mail.

It will be distributed to all UK university careers services, university LGBT groups and societies, university LGBT officers, Student Union Groups and Lesbian and Gay business associations, as well as MBA schools and Connexions centres.

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