Charity urges gay men to come out to their GP

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The Terrence Higgins Trust has launched a campaign to encourage gay

and bisexual men to come out to their doctors and better navigate

their GP surgeries.

44 per cent of gay men have not told their doctors, and could be

missing out on better care as a result.

The campaign, via their chapsonline website, also explains how the NHS works, and provides information on services and complaints procedures.

“It’s not always easy but coming out to your GP but it may be one of most important things you can do to keep yourself healthy,” said Marc Thompson, programme development manager at Terrence Higgins Trust.

“If your doctor knows about your sexuality, you can openly discuss

your life, relationships and health concerns. They can also keep an

eye out for any health problems relevant to you and your lifestyle.”

Topics on the site include choosing a GP, health records,

confidentiality and using complaints procedures.

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