Lesbian athlete sets world record

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It was a cool overcast day in San Francisco, but that did not stop the nearly 120 Gay Track and Field competitors of all ages and levels from performing their best at the first ever large scale international event of it’s kind.

While many athletes excelled in their individual sports, the standout performer was 65 year old Marie-Louise Michelsohn from New York who set a new world record in her age group for the 5000 metres with a time of 20:27.08.

Hosted by the San Francisco Track Field Club, over 25 events took place at this successful inaugural event.

Held July 7th at Cox stadium on the San Francisco State University, the club organised an impressive event for gay athletes from across the world.

The club began in the fall of 1982, immediately following the first Gay Games in San Francisco, and was established in part by the determination of Gay Games creator Dr. Tom Waddell, to foster gay track and field athletes.

The club stresses the joy of sport while attempting to nurture athletic ability, by always encouraging each other to strive for personal best achievements.

They welcome members with all abilities no matter what age, gender, race or sexual orientation and planned this multi sport international meet to help promote their ideals of competition.

Among the excellent performers were high jumper Bruce McBarnette, and hammer thrower Carrie Johnson, who recently placed fourth at the 2007 USA Outdoor National Competition.

Andrew Bundy, president of the meet host committee, was pleased with the outcome of the competition and is hoping that it will become an annual event, which will grow over time.

For a full detail of results visit: www.pridemeet.org

Dylan Vox 2007 GaySports.com; All Rights Reserved.

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