Police probe safety of lesbians and trans people in London

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A new survey commissioned by the Metropolitan Police aims to improve understanding of the levels of safety among bisexual and lesbian women and trans people in the capital.

The research aims to give the Met a better understanding of the extent of homophobic and transphobic incidents experienced and the effect this has on people’s lives.

The survey focuses on these particular groups because they are the least likely to report hate crimes and very little is known about their experiences of crime or levels of safety.

The survey is strictly confidential and is being carried out by Stormbreak, a company that specialises in researching the LGBT communities.

It is hoped that the results of the research will have a positive impact on the way in which the Met deliver their services.

The police are working in partnership with Galop and the London Lesbian Gay Switchboard.

To take part, please contact Stormbreak at [email protected] or on 020 8855 4982.

Stonewall, the gay equality organisation, are also currently seeking lesbian and bisexual women to take part in their health survey.

It runs until September and also asks about alcohol and drug use, sexual health, smoking and domestic violence.

It is anonymous, confidential and takes about 15 minutes to complete, either online, or on paper.

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