Ewan McGregor and Jim Carrey sign up for gay roles

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

A new Hollywood movie, already dubbed Brokeback Prison, will see comedian Jim Carrey play a married prisoner who falls in love with another inmate, played British actor Ewan McGregor

Production is due to begin on I Love You Phillip Morris in spring.

It is based on the true story of Steve Russell, a convicted conman, who fell for his cellmate, the Morris of the film’s title.

When Morris was released, Russell broke out of jail four times to try to be reunited with him, leading him to be locked up for a 144-year sentence.

On one occasion, he faked his own death to escape and on another occasion coloured his entire uniform green to make them look like surgery scrubs.

“It’s an unusual love story,” McGregor told The Star.

“The fact that Jim Carrey was already involved attracted me. The two non-violent offenders hit it off immediately.”

McGregor recently played gay in the 2006 British film Scenes of a Sexual Nature.

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