Gays motivated by greed, Ugandan bishop tells school

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Bishop of Mukono Eria Paul Luzinda claimed that homosexuality is increasing in Uganda, and that this increase can be blamed on a desire for wealth.

His claims were made on Sunday during a speech to students at a school in the Kayunga District.

Bishop Luzinda told students and teachers:

“Many Ugandans today think that money is everything and are ready to do anything, be it immoral, to get it.

“Because of their greed for money our people have taken on immoral acts like homosexuality and lesbianism.

“The youth are the main target of these acts but I want to advise you not to be enticed into such acts because they will ruin your life.”

Bishop Lizunda went on to instruct school authorities in his diocese to keep a close watch for gays and lesbians within schools, saying that their presence would harm the next generation of Ugandans.

The Bishop also criticised corruption within the Ugandan government, citing officials who had misused or embezzled public funds as the cause of rural poverty in the country.

“What is happening in our country today is really bad. How can a minister accused of stealing public funds still hold office?

“I pity young people who still have to be in this country longer than us,” he said.

Bishop Luzinda has fought to keep homosexuality illegal in Uganda, and criticised more liberal attitudes towards gays in Europe.

Speaking in June this year, he said: “not all that comes from Europe is superior and must be taken up.”

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