75% of Brits would vote for a gay Prime Minister

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A new survey has found that a large majority of people would be comfortable with a gay or lesbian person becoming Prime Minister.

The ComRes research posed a series of questions connected to the US Presidential Elections, among them:

“In your opinion, and if all their other qualities were acceptable to you, would you vote for a political leader, such as a President or a Prime Minister, who was gay or lesbian?”

75% said they would vote for a gay PM.

Women were slightly more in favour than men (79% to 70%).

Support was highest among 35 to 44 year olds (85%) and lowest among people over 65 (58%).

Support among 18 to 24 year olds was 75%.

The poll found that Barack Obama is the clear favourite for the US Presidency among British voters.

73% of men and 61% of women said that they would vote for Senator Obama, just 10% of both men and women chose John McCain.

Americans will elected the next President of the United States on November 4th.

Click here to read the full ComRes survey.

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