Two arrested in Neo-Nazi assassination plot against Obama

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Two white supremacists in Tennessee have been arrested in connection with an alleged plot to murder more than 100 African-Americans and assassinate Senator Barack Obama.

Senator Obama is the Democratic nominee for President of the United States, the first black person to be nominated by a major party.

Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman are reported to have told the Secret Service they first planned to kill 102 African Americans and then “dress in all white tuxedos and wear top hats during the assassination attempt.”

The pair met in September on the website of a white supremacist group called the Supreme White Alliance (SWA).

According to anti-hate group the Southern Poverty Law Centre the accused “decided to kill 88 people, followed by beheading another 14 African Americans. (The numbers are neo-Nazi codes representing white supremacist slogans).

“Officials said they also intended to target a predominantly black high school, a gun store, and individuals who they planned to rob to raise money.

“The final act, according to the affidavit, was to come when both men dressed in white tuxedoes and top hats and attempted to shoot Obama as they drove toward him while shooting through the windows, agents said.

“Both men fully expected to die in their final attack.”

SWA has denied any link with the plot.

The accused were arrested when police attended a report of a burglary in progress. Officers then uncovered the assassination plan.

ABC News reports that there are more than 500 threats against Senator Obama, of which a handful are regarded as serious.

His Republican rival for the White House, Senator John McCain, has been the subject of “far fewer” threats.

Americans will elect their next President on November 4th. All polls indicate that Senator Obama is ahead.

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