Campbell Soup’s gay ads attacked by American Family Association

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

An ad for Campbell’s Soup Company appearing in gay magazine The Advocate has been condemned by the American Family Association (AFA).

The double-page ad features two female restaurateurs and a young boy. The text accompanying the picture identifies the women as a couple and the boy as their son.

The AFA, a conservative media watchdog, immediately began campaigning against the ad.

The organisation objects to what it sees as Campbell Soup sending “a message that homosexual parents constitute a family and are worthy of support,” and for giving “their approval to the entire homosexual agenda.”

On the AFA website, the organisation urges supporters to “Send an email to Campbell Soup Company President Douglas Conant,” and “Tell him you want his company to stop supporting the gay agenda.”

Draft emails made available to AFA supporters to send to Campbell Soup read:

“I request that Campbell Soup Company stop promoting the homosexual agenda and remain neutral in the culture war.

“I certainly hope you will honor my request by no longer placing ads in homosexual publications like The Advocate.

“Campbell’s should not take sides in a political battle, but put your efforts in producing the finest products you can.”

In spite of this, Campbell Soup is refusing to give in to pressure and continues to stand by its decision to market its Swanson broth range to the gay community.

Campell representative Anthony Sanzio said: “Our position on this is pretty straightforward.

“Inclusion and diversity play an important role in our business, and that fact is reflected in our marketing plan.

“For more than a century, people from all walks for life have enjoyed Campbell’s products, and we will continue to try to communicate in ways that are meaningful and relevant to them.

“Our plans for the Swanson brand include additional placements in The Advocate.”

In 2007, Campell Soup was one of 53 major corporations, including household names like Starbucks, Hallmark Cards, Mastercard and J.C. Penney, have expanded their non-discrimination policies to include the gender-based protections.

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