Gay MP Alan Duncan’s death threats to Miss California over gay marriage comments

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Openly gay Tory MP Alan Duncan has weighed in on the Miss California gay marriage row, apparently threatening to kill the beauty queen.

Carrie Prejean had been asked by blogger Perez Hilton her thoughts on gay marriage at the Miss America contest last week.

She replied: “I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman.”

Appearing on BBC news quiz Have I Got News for You on Friday, Duncan called her a “silly bitch”.

He said: “I don’t agree with her at all.’

A few minutes later he added: “If you read that Miss California has been murdered, you will know it was me, won’t you?”

Fellow guest Katy Brand appeared shocked by the comment, saying: “That’s a hell of a statement to be making on camera there, Alan.”

A reader who was at the live recording of the programme on Thursday night said: “The BBC must have used canned laughter when screening the programme as the audience weren’t laughing that much. Everyone thought it was a really weird thing to say.”

The MP may be investigated by police over his comments after a viewer is said to have complained. The police have a duty to investigate complaints by members of the public.

The Metropolitan Police received the complaint from George Hargreaves, the leader of the small, evangelical political party The Christian Party whose members believe that homosexuality is a sin.

He said: “How can we stop gun and knife crime when the man who thinks he will be the next Home Secretary makes death threats?’

Duncan said yesterday: “‘Of course it was in jest. It is a comedy show after all. I’m sure Miss Prejean’s very beautiful and that if we were to meet we would love each other. I have no plans to kill her. I’ll send her a box of chocolates – unpoisoned.”

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