Comedian Wanda Sykes’ partner gives birth to twins

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US comedian Wanda Sykes and her wife are now the parents of twins.

Sykes’ partner, known only as Alex, gave birth to a boy and a girl on April 27th.

According to People magazine, the babies have been named Olivia Lou and Lucas Claude.

A family spokesperson said mother and babies were “happy and healthy”.

The couple first met in 2006 and married secretly in California last year before Prop 8 banned gay marriage in the state.

Sykes did not come out until a month after the ceremony.

She was recently criticised over jokes she made at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, in which she joked about shock jock Rush Limbaugh dying.

President Barack Obama was filmed laughing and smiling as she said: “Rush Limbaugh said he hopes this administration fails, so you’re saying, ‘I hope America fails’, you’re, like, ‘I dont care about people losing their homes, their jobs, our soldiers in Iraq’. He just wants the country to fail. To me, that’s treason.

“He’s not saying anything differently than what Osama bin Laden is saying. You know, you might want to look into this, sir, because I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker. But he was just so strung out on OxyContin he missed his flight.”

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