Exclusive: BNP describes gay politicians as ‘buggers and criminals’

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A PinkNews.co.uk exclusive

A list on the British National Party’s website of politicians from all three main parties describes a number of gay MPs as “buggers” and “criminals”, grouping them with convicted paedophiles.

The list, titled “Liars, buggers and thieves”, features Labour MP Chris Bryant, who had semi-nude photos of himself from Gaydar published by a tabloid newspaper several years ago.

The website states: “Chris Bryant poses in his pants on the Internet to advertise himself for casual gay sex encounters. Describes himself as ‘Horny as buggery’ and says, ‘I’d love a good long f**k’”.

Another MP listed as a “criminal” is MP Ron Davies, who was mugged at knifepoint after meeting a man on Clapham Common. He had allegedly been cruising for gay sex.

Also listed is MP Clive Betts, who was suspended from parliament for seven days in 2003 after breaching the MPs’ code of conduct over the employment of his Brazilian assistant.

They are listed beside rapists, paedophiles and murderers.

Neither Mr Davies, Mr Bryant or Mr Betts have ever been convicted of any criminal offence.

The list of Labour politicians also includes mass murderer Dennis Nielsen, who was convicted of strangling and dismembering 16 young men. Nielsen was apparently included for his activism in Labour fringe groups such as the Anti-Nazi League.

Others are local councillors and activists convicted of sexual offences, assaults and fraud.

The list was compiled by Julian Leppert, the BNP councillor for Redbridge Borough. He wrote: “A favourite trick of liberal-leftwing interviewers when losing an argument with BNP spokesmen is to start banging on about ‘BNP criminals’.

“Well … this really isn’t a very honest thing to do when not mentioning the fact that a very small number of BNP criminal records (mainly the result of political persecution, self-defence against leftist thugs and youthful stupidity now twenty years or more in the past) need to be put into the context of the far worse, more numerous and more recent crimes of many members of the old parties.”

Mr Leppert told PinkNews.co.uk that the gay MPs were included because: “It fits in with the headline, the bugger part, I guess.”

On Mr Bryant’s Gaydar controversy, he said: “It’s not a crime legally, but it’s a crime morally.

“Homosexuality is part of life, it’s inevitable. But people should have discretion. They’re bringing political life into disrepute, although it might not strictly be criminal.”

When asked why Mr Bryant, Mr Davies and Mr Betts, who have not been convicted of any criminal offence, were included as “criminals”, he said: “It’s probably not strictly true, not in terms of correct English, but it demonstrates what sort of people they are.

“It’s a valid point. It’s part of the general behaviour. It’s the indiscretion with which [Bryant] promotes his homosexuality.

“The only problem we have with the gay lobby is when people like Peter Tatchell get aggressive about it. What people do in their private lives is their business. But the problem is when they get militant and start promoting it in schools. We’re a family party with family values.

“Someone else at the BNP put the title ‘Liars, buggers and thieves’ on the story. It’s a traditional catch-all term for people of disrepute in politics.”

When asked for a comment by PinkNews.co.uk, Mr Bryant said: “The bigots who created this website should be ashamed of themselves.

“I would just call on the overwhelming majority of people who see the despicable nature of this website to tell their friends to make sure they vote in the European elections. Every vote cast for another party is one against the BNP.”

Mr Davies could not be reached for comment.

Today it was reported that postal workers are refusing to deliver BNP election leaflets because they object to its “right-wing rubbish”.

Around 100 workers in the West Country have refused carry the leaflets, which bear an anti-immigration message.

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