Bruno banned in Malaysia

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

The film Bruno, about a gay fashion journalist, has been banned in Malaysia for its gay sex scenes.

Starring Sacha Baron Cohen, the film has already been banned in Ukraine for the same reason.

A spokeswoman for Malaysia’s film censorship board told Press Association: “It’s banned because the story is based on gay life… There are a lot of sex scenes. It’s contrary to our culture.”

She added that the censors had also disliked the sex toys and politically incorrect comments in the film.

Malaysia is a predominantly Muslim country with strict rules on public morality.

Homosexuality is not specified as a crime, but Section 377 of the penal code prohibits sodomy, which is punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

The same law is still in force in other former British colonies, such as India and Singapore, although it is currently being challenged in India.

There is also a prohibition on “gross indecency with another male person,” with up to two years in prison for those found guilty.

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