Gay superheroes star in new comic

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A comic book featuring an all-LGBT team has gone on sale.

Spandex is set in Brighton and features trans crime fighter Liberty and Diva, a lesbian equivalent of Wonder Woman, as they take on various villains, including the 50ft Lesbian who attacks the city’s seafront.

Other characters are the Adam Lambert-lookalike Neon, twins Butch and Mr Muscles, Glitter, Prowler and Indigo.

Series creator Martin Eden, who made The O Men, said: “Gay people in comics are fairly under-represented, but this new comic aims to address that. Spandex introduces a whole bunch of fabulous new characters who are set to take the comic world by storm.”

“It’s a fun, experimental comic, full of drama, comedy, romance and action… all done in the best possible taste.”

A 120-page graphic novel is set to be released next year but for now, fans will be able to buy Spandex Shorts, a mini series introducing each character.

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