Video: Game features secret gay sex scene

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A scene in new video game Dragon Age: Orgins features a secret gay sex scene between a man an a elf.

The new game, which has received high ratings, allows players to access the scenes by using the correct combination of chat-up lines on warrior elf Zevran.

Footage then turns to a romantic fireside embrace.

Although developer BioWare has been criticised by many fans, welcomed the scene, describing it as “deliberate and respectful”.

The website said: “With this bare-chested and unflinching portrayal, it feels as if the depiction of gay sex in video games has reached a new level of equal treatment.

“This is more than just a mincing gay pirate or an evasive fade-to-black: there’s choreography, tenderness, humour and even an element of sexual politics to Zevran’s post-coital conversation.

“Kudos to BioWare for adding a bit of a gay storyline to their game and for dealing with gay romance as even-handedly as they do the heterosexual options.”

To see the clip, scroll down

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