First lesbian US marshall confirmed

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The first openly gay US marshall has been confirmed.

Minneapolis assistant police chief Sharon Lubinski was confirmed on Monday as the US marshal for the Minnesota district.

She is the first openly gay marshall and the first woman to hold the position in Minnesota.

Lubinski was nominated by President Barack Obama. She has served 20 years as assistant police chief.

In a statement released at the time of her nomination, Obama said: “Assistant Chief Lubinski has dedicated her career to the noble cause of protecting her fellow Americans.

“She has displayed exceptional courage in the pursuit of justice, and I am honoured to nominate her today to continue her selfless work as a US marshal for the District of Minnesota.”

Lubinski told Associated Press: “It’s very exciting. I think it’s an exciting time to be serving in the federal system.”

She added: “Being gay is part of who I am, but I think the even bigger piece here is that it’s essential that law enforcement agencies reflect the communities that they serve, whether it’s the state, local, or federal level.”

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