Playgirl vies for Iris Robinson’s toyboy lover

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The toyboy lover of homophobic Northern Ireland MP Iris Robinson is being pursued by Playgirl magazine.

The US publication, which famously featured Levi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin’s grandchild, has said it wants Kirk McCambley to agree to a racy photoshoot.

The magazine has a strong following of gay men, as well as women.

Playgirl’s director of marketing Daniel Nardicio told the Belfast Telegraph that McCambley was “very attractive”.

He said: “He’s Irish, he’s good-looking and the toppling of a political dynasty is just great.

“We re-launched the magazine last December with the Levi Johnston shoot. Kirk McCambley would be a great follow up to that. It’s a fantastic story, it’s interesting and he is very attractive. He fits into what we are trying to do with Playgirl.”

Nardico would not disclose how much money McCambley could earn from the shoot but said it would be “a fair bit”.

McCambley has already been offered the chance to appear on the cover of UK gay magazine Attitude. He has not responded to the offer.

Meanwhile, speculation is mounting that US chatshow queen Oprah Winfrey is keen to have Robinson tell her side of the story.

McCambley, now 21, appeared on a BBC Spotlight programme earlier this month when he revealed details of the affair.

It took place in the summer of 2008, when Robinson was 59. She has faced accusations of financial impropriety with allegations that she procured a loan for him to start a business without declaring her interest.

She has not commented on the relationship and has not been seen in public for weeks. She is thought to be receiving psyciatric treatment in a Belfast hospital.

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