Ugandan anti-pastor shows press conference gay porn

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Ugandan pastor Martin Ssempa showed a press conference graphic gay porn last week in an effort to argue why the country’s anti-homosexuality bill is necessary.

Ssempa “plumbed the depths of notoriety” by showing the clips, the Ugandan Daily Monitor reported.

According to the newspaper, many of his audience members at Tuesday’s event chose to walk out, missing Ssempa’s planned ‘ex-gay’ presentation.

He had recruited two Ugandans, a man and a woman, to say they had once been gay but had been successfully rehabilitated.

One, Paul Kagaba, is now married to a woman, while the other, 19-year-old Sandrah Baggotte, says her newborn baby is proof she is no longer gay.

The newspaper added: “The room was decorated with colourful anti-gay posters, including one that said: ‘Bahati Bill Made in Uganda for Ugandans’.

“The cleric, who let his two young sons attend the press conference, said the boys were free to make their own statements against homosexuality. ‘They represent those we need to protect… We are giving a red card to sodomy.’

“Pastor’s Ssempa’s latest conduct represents a profound attempt to keep the anti-gay debate alive after President Museveni expressed opposition to Ndorwa West MP Bahati’s proposal of death or life imprisonment for gay sex.”

Ssempa believes homosexuality can be cured and that some gays are actively ‘recruiting’ others to turn to homosexuality.

He is apparently holding a number of events to support the anti-homosexuality bill.

The bill would punish some gay offences with execution, while others, including not informing police of homosexual activity, would lead to imprisonment.

Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni has said in recent weeks that it may have an effect on Uganda’s foreign relationships and the bill’s sponsor David Bahati has suggested he may amend some parts.

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