Gay MP and blogger in Twitter spat

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Labour MP Chris Bryant and Tory blogger Iain Dale had a war of Tweets this afternoon over Tory leader David Cameron.

It started this afternoon during former prime minister Tony Blair’s evidence to the Chilcot Inquiry, where he was answering questions on why Britain went to war with Iraq six years ago.

Dale wrote that Blair’s smooth performance made Gordon Brown look like a “stumbling amateur”, to which Bryant responded that he made Cameron look like a “fake opportunist”.

The mudslinging continued as Bryant prodded Dale to agree that Cameron was an opportunist. Dale retorted: “Do you have to be a prick ALL the time? I agreed nothing of the sort. Get back to your desk!”

The proceedings had evidently been eagerly followed by LGBT Labour, who were quick to point to the Tory leader’s voting record on gay rights.

Simon Wright, LGBT Labour co-chair, said: “It seems something has got Iain Dale worked up today – perhaps he’s been reading the news stories about the difference between Cameron’s warm words and his voting record on LGBT rights.”

The Twitter spat in full:

iaindale says:
I really don’t think anyone has laid a glove on Blair so far. He really does make Brown look like a stumbling amateur, doesn’t he?

ChrisBryantMP says:
@iaindale He makes Cameron look like a fake opportunist.

iaindale says:
@ChrisBryantMP What do you think he makes Brown look like then? A blundering, indecisive incompetent? You know I am right…

ChrisBryantMP says:
@iaindale No. GB has led the world on the response to the economic crisis and this week on Af. But u clearly agree DC is fake opportunist

iaindale says:
@ChrisBryantMP Do you have to be a prick ALL the time? I agreed nothing of the sort, Get back to your desk!

ChrisBryantMP says:
@iaindale Why resort to being offensive?

iaindale says:
@ChrisBryantMP So what you said abour David Cameron wasn’t offensive. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out!

ChrisBryantMP says:
@iaindale No, it didn’t involve a swearword. If you can’t manage decent debate, step off the scene.

iaindale says:
@ChrisBryantMP If the cap fits. You don’t want to debate, you set out to insult. Cameron is no more a fake opportunist than you.

ChrisBryantMP says:
@iaindale I’m happy to debate anytime – DC’s signing up with homophobes in Brussels and Strasbourg, or his dangerous ideas for the British economy which would almost certainly lead to a new recession

iaindale says:
@ChrisBryantMP OK, that’s an opinion which can be debated. Calling him names isn’t.

ChrisBryantMP says:
@iaindale So debate it then. Don’t just swear on here.

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