Indian director confident gay kiss will pass censors

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The director of a Bollywood film hailed as India’s Brokeback Mountain has said he is confident gay kissing scenes will get past censors.

Sanjay Sharma, who directed Dunno Y . . . Na Jaane Kyun said he was not worried about controversial content.

Few details about the film have been released, although promotional posters were released this week showing two topless men embracing.

“At the moment I’m not thinking about any political or censor problems,” Sharma told BBC Asian Network.

He added that he was not frightened to show a “normal relationship” between two men.

“I’m not afraid of anything,” he said. “I stand by my conviction.”

The film is being released in English with subtitles, something which may make it more likely to avoid censorship.

It is scheduled for release in May and will be the first Bollywood film to give a serious treatment to the subject of homosexuality.

A recent film, Dostana, showed two men pretending to be gay in order to win over a female love interest.

Bollywood has rarely mentioned homosexuality in the past and even heterosexual kisses are still unusual.

But since the Indian capital Delhi legalised homosexuality last year, homosexuality is very slowly becoming more accepted in culture.

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