Vodafone urges gay community, ‘Please keep your faith in us’

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Vodafone has admitted that it was a member of staff and not a hacker who caused outrage on Friday by sending out a homophobic rant to its 10,000 followers on Twitter.

Followers on the popular social networking site were stunned when the official Vodafone Twitter page posted the comment:

“VodafoneUK is fed up with dirty homo’s (sic) and is going after beaver.”

After being inundated with emails from subscribers who feared the Twitter account had been hacked, Vodafone stated:

“We weren’t hacked. A severe breach of rules by staff in our building, dealing with that internally. We’re very sorry.

“Please keep your faith in us.”

Vodafone is the world’s largest mobile telecommunication network company and has a market value of about £71.2 billion.

It currently has operations in 31 countries and partner networks in a further 40 countries.

Vodafone urges gay community, ‘Please keep your faith in us’
The offending Tweet stunned subscribers last Friday
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