Documentary maker admits the mercy killing of his gay lover

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A British broadcaster has admitted the mercy killing of his same sex partner in a programme broadcast this evening by the BBC.

Nottingham based film maker Ray Gosling, 70, told the BBC’s ‘Inside Out: East Midlands’: “I killed someone once… He’d been my lover and he got Aids.”

“I picked up the pillow and smothered him until he was dead… I have no regrets. I did the right thing.”

The gay documentary maker said that he had killed his partner while he lay in hospital after doctors said there was nothing they could do to help him.

“I said to the doctor: ‘Leave me… just for a bit,’ and he went away… The doctor came back and I said: ‘He’s gone.’ Nothing more was ever said. ”

“When you love someone, it is difficult to see them suffer. My feelings on euthanasia are like jelly – they wobble about.

“We’d got an agreement – if it got worse, the pain, and nobody could do anything”

Mr Gosling gave the interview in the knowledge that the police may chose to investigate the death of his former partner, as assisted suicide is a criminal offence.

Asked if had any regrets, Mr Gosling said: “Absolutely none. He was in terrible pain – I was there and I saw it. It breaks you into pieces.”

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