Police arrest gay BBC presenter after mercy killing confession

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Ray Gosling, the veteran BBC presenter who admitted killing a former lover who was dying of AIDS, has been arrested.

Mr Gosling, 70, made the confession in the BBC’s Inside Out programme which was aired on Monday night.

He has now been arrested on suspicion of murder by Nottinghamshire police and is being questioned.

A police spokesman said: “A 70-year-old Nottingham man was arrested earlier on suspicion of murder following comments made on the BBC’s Inside Out programme on Monday evening.”

Mr Gosling has not revealed the name of the man or when the mercy killing took place. He said yesterday he would refuse to divulge any more information about the man “even under torture”, as he said this was part of a pact they made.

He claimed that a doctor hinted that he should kill his partner and he then killed the man by smothering him with a pillow.

He said on the programme: “I killed someone once… He’d been my lover and he got AIDS.”

“I picked up the pillow and smothered him until he was dead… I have no regrets. I did the right thing.”

“I said to the doctor: ‘Leave me… just for a bit,’ and he went away… The doctor came back and I said: ‘He’s gone.’ Nothing more was ever said. ”

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme yesterday, Mr Gosling claimed the doctor had hinted that he should end his partner’s life.

He said: “There was this moment and the doctor said to me something like: ‘I will pop out and have a fag now’ or ‘go to the canteen’ or ‘go to another ward – and will you still be here when I get back, Ray?’ And I said, ‘Yes’.

“It was an invitation. Why do doctors leave extra morphine? ‘It’s in the drawer, if you need it’… Doctors are doing this every day.”

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