Ugandan pastor shows his church gay porn

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Homophobic Ugandan preacher Martin Ssempa has been accused of being “twisted” for showing his congregation gay porn.

Ssempa showed a press conference graphic gay porn last month in an effort to argue why the country’s anti-homosexuality bill is necessary.

According to reports, he used the same method yesterday on his 300-strong congregation on the outskirts of Kampala.

Ssempa said that some audience members cried when they saw the images and that he wanted to show them regularly to educate people about why homosexuality should be punished.

Noma Pakade, from the African gay rights group Behind the Mask, attacked Ssempa’s methods.

She told the BBC:

“Showing pornography in church in the presence of minors is twisted homophobic propaganda, where homosexuality is equated to paedophilia and pornography.”

Other actvists called for Ssempa to be arrested.

Julian Pepe, of Sexual Minorities Uganda, said: “He should be arrested because he is promoting pornography. The fact that he showed this film to people below 18 years means he has committed a crime.”

Ssempa believes homosexuality can be cured and that some gays are actively ‘recruiting’ others to turn to homosexuality.

He is apparently holding a number of events to support the anti-homosexuality bill.

If passed into law, the bill will punish some gay offences with execution, while others, including not informing police of homosexual activity, will lead to imprisonment.

Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni has said in recent weeks that it may have an effect on Uganda’s foreign relationships and the bill’s sponsor David Bahati has suggested he may amend some parts.

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