Amsterdam winners may get kisses from gay men, not girls

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A left-wing party in Holland has suggested that winners of a cycle race should swap the traditional celebration of kisses from attractive girls for kisses from gay men.

Usually, the winner of the Amsterdam leg of the famous cycle race Giro d’Italia stands on a podium surrounded by women in miniskirts who kiss him.

Instead, a politician in the liberal city has argued that gay men should enjoy the honour of congratulating winners.

Associated Press reports that Fjodor Molenaar, an alderman from the Green Left party, which is part of the city’s governing coalition, said: “It should be possible for gay men to celebrate with the winner. One rider in ten is gay.”

The proposal has received support in the city, with a city spokesman saying: “It’s an appealing proposal that fits well with the Amsterdam’s tradition of supporting gay emancipation.”

The owner of the television station which organises the winners’ ceremony said he would prefer to see women on the podium but confirmed that three entrants for a contest to appear on the podium were gay men.

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