Nottingham social worker writes book on gay adoption

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A social worker from Nottingham has penned a book to teach children about gay adoptive parents.

Ed Merchant, who works part-time at the city council’s adoption and fostering unit, wrote Dad David, Baba Chris and Me about an eight-year-old boy who is adopted by a gay couple.

It is designed to be used by social workers to encourage children that being different is normal.

Mr Merchant said: “Dad David Baba Chris and Me is a short story but it took a long time to write. It was challenging getting into a child’s world and finding the right words for a child to understand.

“I was inspired to write Dad David, Baba Chris and Me because I was aware that gay couples needed positive encouragement to come forward to join in the invaluable work that carers do.

He added: “I wanted to write the book to encourage an understanding and appreciation of same-sex parenting as well as showing that families come in all shapes and sizes. I also wanted to write a book to help and support children who are being parented by gay men.”

The children’s book has been published by the British Association for Adoption and Fostering and is available to buy from the UK charity’s online bookshop.

One of the most famous books to teach children about gay adoption is And Tango Makes Three, about a pair of male penguins who adopt a chick.

Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell wrote it after hearing the story of Roy and Silo, two male penguins in Central Park Zoo who hatched an egg together.

The book frequently appears on ‘most controversial’ book lists and has been slammed as anti-family, anti-religion and pro-gay.

Last year, it was the book most Americans want banned, according to the American Library Association.

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