Bolivian president says eating chicken turns men gay

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The president of Bolivia has said that eating chicken turns men gay.

Evo Morales told a conference on climate change: “The chicken we eat is loaded with female hormones. So, when men eat it, they tend to deviate from their manhood.”

He added that he only eats non-genetically modified chicken to avoid becoming gay or effeminate.

President Morales’ remarks angered one of Argentina’s gay groups, which questioned his logic.

The president of the Argentina Homosexual Community campaigning organisation, Cesar Cigliutti, told AFP: “It’s an absurdity to think that eating hormone-containing chicken can change the sexual orientation of a person.

“By following that reasoning, if we put male hormones in a chicken and we make a homosexual eat it he will transform into a heterosexual.”
Morales also argued that eating treated chicken could turn men bald.

He said: “Baldness, which seems normal, is a disease in Europe. Almost everyone is bald and it’s related to the food they eat. Among the indigenous people there are no bald men, because we eat different things.”

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