Malaysian trans woman makes asylum bid

Mustafa Ali (R), Fadzil Noor (C) and Mahfuz Omar (L). UPALI ATURUGIRI/AFP/Getty Images

A trans Malaysian woman who has recently married a Derby man has lodged an appeal for asylum after three failed attempts to become a permanent UK resident.

Fatine Young, 36, born Mohammed Fazdil Min Bahari, fears that she will be arrested and jailed if forced to return to her country of origin. Fatine and Ian Young were married in a civil ceremony at Derby Register office last year. Despite this, Ms Young’s three separate applications for a permanent visa have been refused.

Ms Young initially entered the UK on a six-month toursit visa. Her most recent appeal for a visa was rejected by the Home Office in January and was lodged under the section of the Human Rights act covering the right to a family life. In April, Ms Young applied for asylum, and has been told it could take between two weeks and two years to get a response. In the meantime, the British High Commission in Malaysia are compiling a report about the risks she faces if forced to return and Ms Young is required to sign on weekly at a police station in Loughborough while the decision is pending.

Mr Young, 31, who met his wife in a coffee bar Malaysia said: “If she goes back, her life will be in danger. . . My brian has gone completely numb. . . it’s now a waiting game. This is our final hope.” He added that while death threats had been posted on a website set up to support his wife’s cause, they were still receiving hundreds of emails of support.

This comes after the news earlier this week that the coalition government have promised fresh action on the plight of LGBT asylum seekers.

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