Small Muslim protest fails to hinder Derby Pride

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

The third Derby Pride festival proceeded peacefully this weekend despite a small group of Muslim protesters.

The 14-strong group held up placards urging marchers to change their lives but were largely drowned out by the colourful parade.

Police were present to steer the parade away from the protest and no arrests were made.

This year’s event had the theme ‘Pride Not Prejudice’ and marchers either ignored the small group or blew whistles and shouted “out and proud!”.

Gulfraz Nawaz, secretary of Derby’s Jamia Mosque, told the Derby Telegraph that most Muslims did not agree with the protest.

He said: “The views of the protesters do not represent all the Muslim community – they are a very small minority and they give the majority of Muslims a bad name.

“I think we should live and let live.”

Shaun Peaty, vice-chairman of the event, said the event had gone well.

He said: “We’ve always been quite lucky – we do get a lot of support from the community.”

Derby Pride was known as Derby Goes Pink until it was renamed this year.

Along with revellers in costumes, Derbyshire Police’s LGBT association and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service took part in the parade.

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