Ben Bradshaw and Chris Bryant lose out on Shadow Cabinet places – but Angela Eagle succeeds

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The results of the shadow cabinet elections were published last night, revealing that three of the Labour’s best-known out gay MPs did not make the final cut.

Ben Bradshaw, Chris Bryant and Stephen Twigg all failed to receive the requisite amount of votes to be elected to the shadow cabinet. All three had backed David Miliband for Labour Leader back in September, before he lost to his younger brother Ed.

The only openly gay MP now in the shadow cabinet is Angela Eagle. Ms Eagle, 49, is Labour’s only out lesbian MP. She was elected MP for Wallasey in 1992 and was a pensions minister between 2009 and 2010.

Harriet Harman, former women and equalities minister, was assured a place in the cabinet as deputy leader of the Labour Party. The cabinet has 11 women MPs in all, including Yvette Cooper, who topped the shadow cabinet poll with 232 votes.

Ms Cooper, who grew up in an Old Labour family, currently holds the position of shadow secretary of state of work and pensions and shadow minister for women and equalities.

Mr Bradshaw, 50, has been MP for Exeter since 1997 and has served as minister for culture, sport, media and also health. He received 53 votes.

Mr Bryant, 48, is a former vicar and has been MP for Rhondda since 2001. He received 77 votes.

Mr Twigg, 43, has been MP for Liverpool and West Derby since May this year. He was minister of state for schools before losing his seat in 2005. He received 55 votes.

Another out gay senior Labour figure, Nick Brown, resigned as chief whip last week at the request of new leader Mr Miliband.

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