Obama discusses DADT with gay groups

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US president Barack Obama had a brief meeting with gay rights groups yesterday over the ban on out gay soldiers.

According to the Washington Post, the groups met the president and senior officials yesterday to discuss the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

One senior official, speaking anonymously, said that the president reaffirmed his commitment to repealing the ban.

Participants did not discuss what was said, although groups included the Human Rights Campaign, the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network and the Log Cabin Republicans.

The Log Cabin Republicans brought the latest legal challenge against the law, which allows gays and lesbians to serve in the military if they do not reveal they are gay.

The government is appealing a federal judge’s ruling that the ban is unconstitutional and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is currently considering whether the Pentagon can continue to enforce the ban.

Government officials say it is bound to defend federal laws when these are challenged in court, but say the administration remains set on repealing the law.

President Obama’s administration has made several efforts to reach out to the gay community in the past week, including a video of the president urging troubled gay teens to seek help and new advice for schools and colleges on anti-gay harassment.

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