Gay charity urges gay men to sign up to HIV pledge

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London-based gay men’s health charity GMFA has begun a new campaign to raise awareness of HIV.

‘Count Me In’ asks gay men to agree with a five-point pledge about protecting their health and not assuming they know the HIV status of other men.

The charity says that if every gay man in the UK committed to the pledge, rates of HIV would fall dramatically.

Supporters of the initiative include gay author Paul Burston and a number of London’s best-known gay venues.

Around World AIDS Day on December 1st, gay venues across the capital will be helping to raise awareness of the campaign and promoting the pledge.

Events will be held at The Quebec, Halfway to Heaven and Ye Rose & Crown.

In addition, staff at Chariots saunas, E15 Club, Locker Room, Steamworks and Prowler Soho will be wearing t-shirts promoting the message.

Matthew Hodson, head of programmes at GMFA, said: “This isn’t just about what we can do around World AIDS Day – it’s what we can all do on an ongoing basis to stop the spread of HIV in our community.

“We’re delighted that so many have recognised the importance of what we’re trying to achieve and have joined us in the campaign. With their support, we hope to encourage gay men to re-commit to tackling the virus and to make a real difference.”

For more information, visit

The pledge:

1. I will know my HIV status
2. I will not assume I know someone else’s HIV status
3. I will take personal responsibility for using condoms
4. I will value myself and my health
5. I will stay informed about HIV and how it is spread

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