Lesbian-only guesthouse now allows men

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A lesbian-only guesthouse in Key West, Florida, is having to allow men in order to survive a tough ecomonic climate.

Pearl’s Rainbow, an award-winning 38-room guesthouse, has been running for ten years.

Owner Heather Carruthers said that although it had never admitted men before, this Thanksgiving, men will be permitted.

She told the Miami Herald that some female guests had requested to bring gay male friends or male family members to the resort.

In 2007, Ms Carruthers said, business began drop, a trend replicated in some of the nine male-only guesthouses in the area.

She added that the guesthouse would still play host to a few all-female weekends and would remain a safe haven for lesbians.

However, the newspaper reported that the business decision was “not welcome at all” among recent guests.

One, Elizabeth Villanueva of Vancouver, British Columbia, said: “I have nothing against men, but we feel comfortable here.”

And couple Mesha and Paula, who did not give their last names, described it as “our little bit of heaven”.

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