Jeff Brazier accused of homophobia for Dancing on Ice joke

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TV presenter Jess Brazier has been criticised for making a joke about gay Dancing on Ice judge Jason Gardiner.

Brazier, a contestant on the show, got a score of 11 out of 30 for his performance last night.

He said: “I want to say JG, before he rains on my parade, the boys are in the audience over there. They are experts in group insemination, I mean group interrogation, so just watch out.”

Brazier’s PR Sean O’Brien told the Sun that the comments were not meant to be homophobic.

He said: “Jeff gets his words wrong sometimes, it was not on purpose.”

However, Gardiner retorted that Brazier danced as if he was “missing a couple of chromosomes” – a comment which some viewers also took offence at because Brazier’s brother is disabled.

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