New government drug advisor linked ‘destructive gay lifestyle’ to paedophilia

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A Christian doctor appointed to advise the government on illegal drug use has strong views against homosexuality, it has been revealed.

Dr Hans-Christian Raabe is a Manchester GP and a member of the Maranatha Community, a Christian movement which believes homosexuality can be cured.

He was appointed to the Advisory Committee on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) last week.

According to the Observer, he is also medical co-ordinator of the Council for Health and Wholeness (CHW), a Christian organisation based within the Maranatha Community.

In briefing documents written by Dr Raabe for the CHW, homosexuality is described as “destructive” and is associated with disease and drug use.

One states: “The media and the gay movement portray the homosexual lifestyle as happy, healthy and fulfilled. However, the homosexual lifestyle is associated with a large number of very serious physical and emotional health consequences.”

It adds: “A high proportion of homosexual men engage in a destructive lifestyle, for example contracting HIV/Aids or other STIs, and develop addictions to drugs or alcohol. There is a higher burden of depression, [and] attempted or completed suicide among the ‘gay population’.”

Another paper, co-authored by Dr Raabe, claimed: “While the majority of homosexuals are not involved in paedophilia, it is of grave concern that there is a disproportionately greater number of homosexuals among paedophiles and an overlap between the gay movement and the movement to make paedophilia acceptable.”

It also stated: “Despite the impression given by the media, the actual number of homosexuals is quite small. Essentially all surveys show the number of homosexuals to be only 1-3 per cent of the population.”

Labour MP Bridget Phillipson, a member of the Home Office Select Committee, said of Dr Raabe’s work on homosexuality: “It is an absolute outrage that Theresa May has appointed someone with such horrific opinions to this senior role advising the Tory-led government.

“Her decision raises serious questions about judgement and whether she is fulfilling her role as minister for equalities effectively.”

Dr Raabe said that his views would not affect his advice, saying that society is “in danger of believing that if you are a Christian you are not fit for public office or you are biased or a bigot”.

He added: “This is an appointment regarding drug policy and what views I may or may not have on homosexuality are irrelevant.”

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