Watch: Lady Gaga’s new video Judas

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Never one to turn down the chance to shock, Lady Gaga’s new video shows her as a modern-day Mary Magdalene torn between her love for Jesus Christ and Judas.

In the video, directed by Laurieann Gibson, the bisexual star rides on a motorbike with Jesus and shares a bath with the two men.

Predictably, the song was denounced by faith figures before it was even released. The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights claimed she was “trying to rip off Christian idolatry to shore up her talentless, mundane and boring performances”.

Speaking to E!, Gaga said: “I don’t view the video as a religious statement. I view it as social statement. I view it as a cultural statement.

“It’s a metaphor. It’s not meant to be a biblical lesson.’

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