Gay LAPD sergeant wins $1m in discrimination case

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An openly gay Los Angeles Police Department sergeant has been awarded $1.16 million (£700,000) after winning his case for discrimination.

Ronald Crump, 39, has worked for the LAPD for 16 years. He told a court he was harassed after he claimed about a supervisor’s treatment of him because he is gay.

Sgt Crump said he was transferred to a lower position at work after complaining about his supervisor in the media relations department, Lt John Romero.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Lt Romero allegedly told him: “I was a religion major at Liberty University. Jerry Falwell would roll over in his grave if he knew I had hired you.”

Sgt Crump also claimed that Lt Romero called him “the new Ruby minus the heels”, in reference to his female predecessor.

He said that after complaining, he was transferred from the media relations department to the skid row department, which cost him valuable future opportunities.

Sgt Crump’s boss, Mary Grady, said she moved him because he did not get along with Lt Romero.

The LAPD is considering whether to challenge the decision, which is the second large judgment against the department in as many months.

Sgt Crump told the Los Angeles Times: “It was a serious dilemma for me to sue the agency that I admire and respect. But my commanding officer made poor decisions that, unchallenged, would have had a serious effect on me and other employees who are retaliated against.”

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