Catholic Care plans to appeal a fourth time over gay adoption ruling

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The Leeds-based charity Catholic Care are to appeal to the Upper Tribunal in the hope of quashing the ruling forbidding them to exclude gay people when considering potential adoptive parents.

After a two-day hearing in March this year, the tribunal insisted the Commission’s stance be upheld. But the tribunal has now confirmed that Catholic Care are to lodge another appeal – their fourth – against the decision.

Catholic Care, who place about five children a year with adoptive parents have said that if they are not permitted to exclude gay couples, their supporters would cease to donate money, leading to the closure of the service.

They have also said they believe the Equality Act 2010 allows discrimination on the grounds of sexuality if this is “a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim”.

Back in March, the tribunal said their decision was based in the fact that Catholic Care had not fully considered all the potential alternatives to closing.




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