Amsterdam city officials to be annually questioned on their support for gay marriage

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Marriage commissioners in Nieuw-West district of Amsterdam will have to undergo an annual evaluation in order to ensure their consistent support for same-sex marriage.

The measure came about as a result of a case in which two city officials refused to officiate at same-sex marriages.

It is believed that while one official was employed by the city prior to 2007, when willingness to perform same-sex marriages was not a requirement, the other official in question is said to have initially voiced no objections to performing the ceremonies.

Her case is currently being investigated by district officials. If it transpires she had been dishonest in order to obtain the position rather than changed her mind, she could be fired.

In December 2009 British registrar Lillian Ladele was disciplined by Islington Council because she refused to perform civil partnerships, saying that it was against her religious beliefs.

Ladele took her case to the Court of Appeal claiming religious discrimination, but lost.

She then went to the UK Supreme Court who dismissed her application for an appeal against the decision, saying she failed to “raise an arguable point of law of general public importance.”

Her lawyers have argued she was the victim of a witch-hunt and was shunned by her colleagues for refusing to carry out civil partnerships.

Ms Ladele, who said her rights had been “trampled” by gay couples, is now taking her case to the European Court of Human Rights.



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