Video: Super Bowl legend David Tyree says gay marriage will lead to ‘anarchy’

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Former New York Giants star David Tyree has claimed that allowing gay marriage will lead to “anarchy”.

The player, famous for making a ‘helmet catch’ in Super Bowl XLII, gave an interview to the anti-gay National Organization for marriage, in which he condemned gay parenting.

His comments came just after the New House Assembly voted to legalise gay marriage. The Senate, where the issue hinges on just one vote, is expected to decide the bill’s fate tomorrow.

Tyree, who retired last year, claimed that this would be “the moment our society loses its grip with what’s right”.

The devout Christian said of gay marriage: “It says that you don’t need a mother or father.

“You can’t teach what you don’t have, two men can’t teach a woman how to be a woman. That’s just simple, that’s just common sense, not political, I approach more from an angle of prayer.”

He continued: “I think we’re doing ourselves a great injustice, It’s not about establishing a theocracy, it’s about what’s right, it’s about how can marriage be marriage for a thousand years.

“And now all of a sudden because an influential minority has a push or an agenda and totally reshapes something that was not founded in our country was not founded by man.

“If they pass this gay marriage bill… what I know will happen if this does come forth is this will be the beginning of our country sliding toward, it’s a strong word, but anarchy.

“If you trace back to other cultures, other countries, this will be the moment that our society loses its grip with what’s right.”

He added: “Marriage is one of those things that is the backbone of our society so if you redefine it, it changes the way we educate our children, it changes the perception of what is right.”

Tyree’s comments contrast with the support of other major New York football figures.

Giants star Michael Strachan and team chairman Steve Tisch have both recorded videos for the Human Rights Campaign to back gay marriage.

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