30 Rock star Tracy Morgan meets gay teenagers in New York

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After horrifying gay fans with a homophobic outburst earlier this month, 30 Rock star Tracy Morgan has made amends with a visit to a shelter for LGBT teens.

The comedian sparked outrage when he said at a gig in Nashville that homophobic bullying was “insignificant” and that he would “stab” his own son if he came out.

On Friday, the star attended a meeting set up by GLAAD at New York’s Ali Forney Center, a shelter for LGBT teenagers with nowhere else to go.

He met teenagers Jayden Love and Raciel Castillo, who were rejected by their families for their sexual orientation.

The teenagers said: “We hope that our stories have the power to change not only Tracy’s perspective, but those of any parent who may be struggling with accepting their child. In the meeting, Tracy clearly took responsibility for his words, and we hope that he will use his platform to make the world a better place for LGBT people.”

Carl Siciliano, founder and executive director of the Ali Forney Center, said: “I hope that Tracy has seen the error and impact of his remarks and that he will educate others about the terrible harm that family rejection does to LGBT youth.

“Even more so, I hope this incident will bring attention to this crisis and encourage others to work toward a day when all youth are loved and protected in their own homes.”

Morgan also announced that he will return to Tennessee on Tuesday, June 21st to apologise to people he offended during his act and meet local gay campaigners.

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