Video: Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria’s first lesbian sex scene

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Star of Desperate Housewives, Eva Longoria, is set to feature in her first same-sex love making scene in upcoming comedy, Without Men.

The film, adapted from the James Canon novel, Tales From the Town of Widows, sees Longoria take on the role of a Rosalba, the de-facto mayor of a Latin American village deserted by men when they are forcibly recruited into a guerilla revolutionary army.

The film features Longoria, who plays Gabrielle Solís in Desperate Housewives, and co-star Kate del Castillo engage in a lesbian sex scene.

Director Gabriela Tagliavini told Fox News: “It was a little difficult as the two girls are both straight so they were very nervous and laughed a lot. But I think that just made it even lovelier. [Female audiences] don’t want to watch porn, so it was all very sensual, both are very beautiful women aside from being incredibly funny.”

Tagliavini added: “The film essentially is about leadership. Being bossy will not get you the same response as if you’re team leader. And when women come together for a common goal, it works great.”

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