Stonewall names most gay-friendly universities

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Gay rights charity Stonewall has named the top universities for lesbian, gay and bisexual students.

The online guide, Gay by Degree, tells potential students whether institutions offer services such as LGB student groups, compulsory staff training on LGB issues and careers advice aimed at LGB students.

Last year, when the guide began, no university fulfilled Stonewall’s ten criteria of what universities should be doing. This year, UCL, Imperial College, Portsmouth and Wolverhampton came out top.

Stonewall says it has not ranked universities because smaller institutions may be unable to meet all of the criteria.

Chris Dye, Stonewall’s education officer, said: “Gay By Degree means lesbian, gay and bisexual students can compare how gay-friendly their university choices are and what each will offer to help them achieve their ambitions and fulfil their life aspirations.

“With universities increasing their maximum fees for 2012, prospective students want to ensure that they’re getting the best value for money from a university that will treat them with respect.”

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