Anti-gay group files lawsuit against New York gay marriage

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An anti-gay group in New York has filed a lawsuit against the city’s new marriage laws.

The group, called New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, claims the state Senate acted illegally when it voted to approve a gay marriage bill earlier this year.

According to the lawsuit, the Senate violated the state’s Open Meetings Laws by failing to follow procedures.

The group claims the Senate illegally prevented opposing senators from speaking and did not send the bill to the appropriate committees.

It also claims that Republican senators were offered campaign incentives by “high-profile elected officials and Wall Street financiers” to change their votes in favour of the bill.

Rev Jason J McGuire, the executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, said: “Constitutional liberties were violated. Today we are asking the court to intervene in its rightful role as the check and balance on an out-of-control state legislature.”

The Senate has not commented.

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